Invention Is The Mother of Necessity
Invention Is The Mother of Necessity: We Are The Machine, is a story of the human evolution of technology that begins in the Industrial Revolution and will end in the electronic revolution. What is ending is our human way of controlling what, how, and when, applications of technology are implemented.Electronic technology has rearranged our world. This one evolving advancement represents a blurring of the line between the physical way of looking at things, and the mental. We've crossed that line and there's no going back.Modern technology is a convergence of media, hardware, artificial intelligence, human behavior, and software, each with its own evolutionary direction, yet working in a seamlessly combined effort. It's a complex mix.We've crossed the necessity line: the main motivation for innovation is no longer necessity, but something more abstract. It is technology that now drives innovation; invention.The 16th century English expression, "Necessity is the mother of invention," needs to have its words rearranged. It should now read, "Invention is the mother of necessity."
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