 INVISIBLE GRANDPARENTING explores the many steps, both healthy and ungracious, that people have taken to cope with circumstances that have placed them where they can only imagine the growth of their grandchildren. The tools in Invisible Grandparenting give us a safe way to revisit situations we may have kept shrouded in mystery.In My Back-Story, the author tells her version of the circumstances that led to her status as an invisible grandparent. In Handling Invisibility, the stories of six other estranged, alienated invisible grandparents and how they handled their situation are told. Invisible Not Silent shows how letter writing can be a healing tool, as well as a means to communicate the gifts, tangible and intangible, that grandparents might like to pass on, if they could. Writing can help us clarify our feelings and can be a healing vehicle for those not able to pass on firsthand the love they might care to. Also, by writing inevitable feelings of frustration, anger and even outrage out in letters never intended for sharing, and specifically designed for release, one can begin to transform negative energy to forgiveness. Some things can be changed from obstacles to opportunities, and perhaps even be seen as cosmic destiny for you to learn from in this lifetime.My Legacy in Letters is a sample of the many kinds of letters written to the grandchildren the author has not seen since 2008. Many contain “Life Lessons” that she would like to pass on. A legacy is something from the past bequeathed to younger generations. It is something left behind to immortalize us; something that keeps the past alive for many future “presents.” For the author it was the letters she wrote in order to keep grandparenting alive for herself.Healing is about recovering emotionally or spiritually from separation of all kinds. It details what Dr. Hanson did to feel her feelings, and not spiral down to the helplessness of depression. It reminds
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