Islam - A Prelection Delivered Before the University of Dublin March 10, 1903
This work is a transcript of a lecture given by Stanley Lane-Poole at the University of Dublin in 1903. As an archaeologist and orientalist, Lane-Poole was a keen promoter of the education of the masses in regard to other cultures. In this particular example of his work, he is speaking on the subject of Islam. He assumes that the audience has little or no prior knowledge of the religion, and approaches the main aspects of the faith with simplicity, but in a scholarly fashion. He covers the Koran, the conception of God, prayer, fasting, variations of Islam, and much more. This is a great work for anyone interested in a Western academics view of the Islamic faith at the turn of the twentieth century. To compliment the republication of this work, a brand new introductory biography of the author has been added.
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