Israel, Our Frankenstein
Paone compares Israeli and American societies, including relevant laws, to determine whether they sharecommon core values as claimed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an assumption which forms the foundation for American military and financial support of Israel. His analysis includes the topics of democracy, freedom of religion, equality, housing, freedom of speech and the rule of law. He concludes that not only do America and Israel not share any core values, but their principles are inherently incompatible. Paone suggests that Jewish Americans are the only ones with the capacity to deflect Israel from its present self-destructive course, because the U.S. government haslost all control over its creation. Though, Paone also notes,it may already be too late. The coalition of know-nothing ultra-orthodox, settlers and right-wing nationalists from the former Soviet Union are getting close to running Israel on its own, including, and this is most worrisome,its nuclear arsenal.
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