Japanese Architecture
EDITORIAL NOTE It is a common desire among tourists to learn something of the culture of the countries they visit, as well as to see their beautiful scenery. To see is naturally easier than to learn, but flying visits merely for sightseeing furnish neither the time nor opportunity for more than a passing acquaintance with the culture of any foreign people. This is specially true of Japan and her people. The Board of Tourist Industry recognizes both the obligation and the difficulty of providing foreign tourists with accurate information regarding the various phases of Japans culture. It is, therefore, endeavouring to meet this obligation, as far as possible, by publishing this series of brochures. The present series will, when completed, consist of more than a hundred volumes, each dealing with a differ- ent subject, but all co-ordinated. By studying the entire series, the foreign student of Japan will gain an adequate knowledge of the unique culture that has evolved in this country through the ages. For those who wish to follow up these studies with a closer investigation of more erudite works, we append bibliographies, which we can recommend as authoritative guides for study. Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways PIt is her indigenous culture which has imparted to Japan her architectural features, which are materially and conspicuously different from those of European archi- tecture, both in conception and form. With regard to the style and form developed in the history of world archi- tecture, it is an accepted rule to classify Japanese archi- tecture under Chinese architecture, which forms no mean part of Oriental architecture. As a matter of fact, what has been developed by Chinese genius is differentiated by characteristics, radically different, in general as well as in detail, from those manifested in Japanese architecture. Generally speaking, it must be said that our architects of olden days were by no means content to be the sedulous pupil
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