John Carter of Mars
John Carter of Mars (2012) is a science-fiction fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and directed by Andrew Stanton. It stars Taylor Kitsch in the title role, alongside Lynn Collins, Willem Dafoe, Mark Strong, James Purefoy, Samantha Morton, Ciaran Hinds and a host of other well-known actors. It is Stantons first foray into live-action after working on animated films for Pixar. The film is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs novel A Princess of Mars, the first in the 11-volume Barsoom series. The series has inspired a number of well-known science fiction writers, and has informed and been adapted by many writers, in novels, short stories, television programs and films. It is said that the film John Carter of Mars will be the first of a trilogy, the second and third being based on the next stories in the series: The Gods of Mars and The Warlord of Mars. This Purple Rose book contains all of the original illustrations by Frank E. Schoonover and contains a useful glossary of the names and terms used in the series.
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