Kara Sparked is the continuation of the sexual discoveries of Greg and Kara...Delving deeper into the passionate sexual exploration of this turbulent romance than even they dreamt about... Open and uninhibited, this story will arouse, and provoke you to challenge the stereotype of one partner for life and enlighten your understanding of how a relationship can continue to evolve and grow in complete sexual trust. Kara and Gregs unconditional connection realised through intimate sexual pleasures is enthralling. Their story of compersion as an expression of a most unconditional love, which truly exists.Greg Sheppard turns to his long-lost love Kara Gilbert to ease his despair in losing one he loved. Without direction or purpose, and despite Kara being at his side, Greg is burdened by visions of Tess everywhere he looks...But an encounter with a woman named Megan, again will change their lives forever...adding a new sexual and emotional impact unlike any passion known by them before...What do each of them truly need?  Whom do each of them truly love?  This next part of the story tells it all...Explicitly.PUBLISHER WARNING!This book contains explicit prose that may arouse readers. Read with pleasure.Like before, Kara and Greg are hungry and full of exploration which makes for great reading, not to mention hot as hell...a great frolic of perverse adventure...5 stars Jenny, Indiebook reviewer Praise for KARA Ignition -A read hotter than Fifty Shades...Loved the character of Kara and the sexting was exceptional... great read and looking forward to the next parts of this trilogy...5 stars. Cathy, IndieBooks Reviewer.
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