Kingdom Honor


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NOW IS THE TIME TO SERVE YOUR CHURCH AND LEADERS LIKE NEVER BEFORE!There is a God-given calling on your life that is only released through the power of serving! Jesus said, If you want to be great, you must be the servant Matthew 20:26. When you serve your church and your leaders with a servants heart, your gifting and calling will be revealed, developed, and fulfilled!Read Kingdom Honor to discover:12 Keys to Serving Your Leaders with ExcellenceWhy Honor Unlocks your GiftingThe Vital Role of Church Leaders in Your LifeRecognizing 8 Symptoms of RebellionHow Serving Opens the Door to Your CallingYour destiny is connected to whom you serve. True honor is an outflow from a heart that fears God. Ive witnessed my friend Gary walk out the truths contained in this book. Throughout its pages, Gary expounds on the kingdom principle of honor that will not only unlock the gifts in others, but will also release Gods kingdom here and now. - John Bevere, Best-selling Author and Minister Gary Montoya has been my personal assistant for many years. Every chapter you read, Gary has lived. Kingdom Honor is not another book to place on the shelf but a biblical mandate that will teach you how to honor and serve your leader Gods way. This book is a must read for all those serving in ministry. - Glen Berteau, Global Pastor, The House Network of Churches Honor! Dont get tired of that word because that is the core message of my friend Gary Montoyas book Kingdom Honor. Gary is absolutely on target when he says, Honor will give you direct access to God. I have no doubt that the Kingdom of our Lord will be strengthened as volunteers and leaders understand the ultimate role of honor in the Church. - Sam Chand, Author of Leadership Pain  
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