KS2 SATs Practice Papers 10-Minute English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Tests for Year 6
ALSO AVAILABLE as part of our BUMPER COLLECTION OF 10-MINUTE TESTS for 2020-2021Make practising English grammar, punctuation and spelling fun for your child with this set of 18 bite-size 10-minute tests! Help your child improve their accuracy and speed by using the 10-minute format as a challengeProvide your child with quick practice sessions of realistic questions used in Papers 1 and 2Work through all 18 tests to find which areas of grammar, punctuation and spelling your child has mastered and which ones they need help with Plus, for your convenience, this book contains All the materials you need to give and mark the Spelling TestsComplete Answers for all the Grammar and Punctuation TestsQuick links to the books free companion content
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