Larry the Dromedary - We Wont Desert You!
Charley and Aubergine had not heard from their mother in weeks  “Are you really a camel?” asked Aubergine. “Don’t be rude!” hushed her big sister. “It’s perfectly all right. People ask all the time,” said Lawrence gently. “But no, I am most definitely not a camel.” Charley was confused. Lawrence was covered in camel fur and had big camel eyes, long skinny legs, a big belly, and… “Notice the single hump on my back. That, along with a few less spectacular genetic markers, makes me undoubtedly a dromedary. Now, which one of you is eleven-year-old Charley?” he said as he looked at his file. Charley held up a finger. “I suppose you are Aubergine then?” Charley’s sister nodded. “I will need some proof of identification. Please show me your stuffies.”  Charley is devastated when her mother disappears in the Zohar desert. She rips open an insurance policy and a dromedary appears at the door, “I am Lawrence Dromedarius…how may I help you?” Charley and her sister hop on his hump and fly away in a madcap quest filled with maze-like markets, belly dancing wars, genies and rock stars, a scorching desert and one very perturbed Sand Queen. When they do find their mom they discover that sometimes the greatest foe of all is yourself.
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