All purchasing activities take place within a context of legal regulation, a context that has been taking on increasing importance in recent years. This book is an attempt to provide a clear and concise account of the underlying legal principles which affect the purchasing function.It is also a useful revision book for candidates studying for the Legal Aspects for Purchasing & Supply paper at Level Six of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Graduate Diploma. It covers the essential legal themes in a way that focuses on common examination topics. This edition has been modified and extended to take into account the changes to the unit specification in 2007. These include the widening of dispute resolution procedures to include mediation, conciliation and adjudication and the addition of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Reforms in the law relating to the transfer of undertakings (TUPE) and the European public procurement rules have also been included. It also develops Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights in more detail than is usually found in general works on commercial and business law. The book provides practical guidance on examination technique, especially relating to answering legal case studies. Advice on the approach to the study and revision of case law is also featured.
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