Legendary is Jaiya Johns Loving celebration of educators, teachers, social service professionals, advocates, guardians, caregivers, counselors, mentors, and the like. Those compassionate souls who honorably serve youth devalued by society due to material poverty, heritage, language, family separation; or challenges with learning, behavior, mental health, or physical ability.Here are poetic stories and inspirations to awaken your spirit, massage your heart, and remind you of the reasons you do this work. Your service touches lives, and miracles are born. Your grace endures forever.Are you experiencing compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, burnout, disillusionment, doubt, lack of appreciation and support, lost direction, fear, emptiness? You deserve relief. Legendary is well water drawn from the very soul of your compassionate endeavor, offered back to you in your own yearning voice.Come here and drink to your replenishment. Regain your spark of purpose. Word by word, renew your wholeness, your humanity, and your vital health. Take a dose daily. Soon, you will be breathing freely again, like the first time you answered your sacred calling.
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