Leo Reads To Learn
LEO READS TO LEARNThis storybook helps children learn the fundamental keys to reading, andgives children the exciting gift, that they are “Reading to Learn”.Some keys when teaching children to read are:Read a book to children every day.Use books with pictures, short sentences and repetitious words.Show children how to read a book (top to bottom, left to right and front       to back).When children can say a word, show them the written word.Show children how to write the word.When labeling objects, or showing children the written word, make the word at least 2 inches high, and in clear black text.Label as many objects in your home with the name of that object (at least 2 inches high bold lettering).Start with alphabet recognition.Show lower case letters and their sounds (phonics).Show whole words (word recognition).Use alphabet nouns (naming words), then verbs (action words) and act   them out.Always ask questions during the story, such as, “What do you think will   happen next?” (this gets children thinking and using their imagination).Keep children actively involved in the story.Point out each letter or text when showing children the written word.Play word games; match words to objects; have children read a story from   pictures in the book; start an alphabet writing book.Point out words, whenever and wherever you are in the community.Most of these fundamental keys are in the story “Leo Reads to Learn”.
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