Linda in the Light
Dr. Frank A. La Batto presents Linda in The Light, a true story, a memoir, written by a father honoring the request of his daughter after she transitions into the light of eternal life; a transition we will all experience. What lies ahead is a glorious and true journey of angels, healers, and guides. Everything is real. Everything is normal. Any fear of death will be erased for we are the lucky ones. We have been given the opportunity to examine our lives, to change our courses, to alter our destinies, because our children, our teachers, via their transitions, have courageously fulfilled the promises they made before they were born, allowing us to learn, grow, and love. We cannot let them down. Our children, by their transformations, lift the mask between the physical and non-physical, allowing us to experience eternity as an undeniable, normal, natural, essential birthright. It is through this book that Dr. La Batto introduces Linda’s earthly sojourn, his earthly sojourn, and the ensuing intertwining of their journeys simultaneously in the physical and non-physical bound by pure unconditional love. Dr. La Batto takes you through a simplified, easily navigated knowing, an essential birthright available to all, by relating his life experiences, Linda’s life experiences in both the physical and non-physical, books he has read, people he has met; expounding in unequivocal, common, daily, reproducible encounters, the uninterruption of existence, the verifiability of immortality, and the fact there is no separation, just a shift from one embodiment to the next. There is no special formula or unique path, no near-death or profound religious experience necessary in order to lift the veil between the physical and non-physical and reconnect with our children and loved ones. This true story, this road, this journey of Dr. La Batto and his daughter Linda, is one of an infinite number of journeys, something he expresses many times throughout the book. Linda in The L
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