Living the Mystery
In this book, which follows on from the companion volume, Unfolding the Mystery, which was devoted to the liturgical year, Abbot Hugh reflects before his monastic brethren on some of the elements common to the life of all Christians - from baptism to the hope of eternal life. Here it is a question of Living the Mystery, that is, of allowing the revelation of Christ in us, present in the Church, to take possession of our whole life, personal and social ... As Abbot Hugh states, these reflections ‘are no more than markers on the Christian way, attempts to say something, while we wait, about the gifts that lie within our comprehension’. But if they help stir a fresh sense of the goodness, truth and beauty of these gifts, if they help any to live with understanding and joy the mystery ‘which was kept secret for long ages but is now disclosed’ (Rom 16:25–26), ‘this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory’ (Col 1:27), their author will feel blessed himself. Comment on Abbot Hugh’s previous book, Unfolding the Mystery:This is wisdom. Dom Aldhelm Cameron-Brown, PaxDom Hughs book reaches some high moments of reflection. Downside ReviewThis is meat, at last! Sisters of the Gospel of Life An outstanding set of spiritual meditations on the liturgical year . . . his work draws on the riches of the monastic tradition and its spirituality in order to provide us with a deeply insightful set of reflections. SowerDom Hugh Gilbert, OSB, is Abbot of Pluscarden Abbey
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