Lust for Heaven
Greed and avarice drove a group of Nigerians to Europe - and they all engaged in inept schemes to make money. Naomi and Martins had met working as farm labourers in Foggia, Southern Italy, but no sooner had they met when the girl moved with a friend to Turin. There, she engaged in prostitution, spearheaded by Big Ben and Betty, two die-hard pimps and drug couriers. They became rich and influential amongst the immigrant communities, but the fast lane is often strewn with spikes - and Naomi and Ben paid the highest pricePlagued by internal guilt and the lust for heaven, Martins became repentant and embraced Christ - and God in his infinite mercies, showed him the only way to eternal peace. In these days of intense emigration, Nnanor-Felixsons human-interest book simply demonstrates the need to respect the laws and ordinances of host nations and above all, embrace righteousness in all its facets.
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