Mafia The history of the ruthless gang that rules the nationwide crime syndicate
Senator Kefauver called the Mafia the cohesive of the nationwide crime syndicate!This book goes the limit in naming names dotes and places!Popularly known as The Black Hand, the Mafia, which began in medieval Sicily as a patriotic group, has been and still is in control of organized crime in the United States. It has achieved this dubious distinction by the systematic liquidation of rival, non-Sicilian gangs. The mere itemization of this long and bloody reign of underworld terror will give- every responsible citizen pause for thought - after he has stopped shuddering!This book contains much material derived from secret sources. Perhaps the most sensational of its revelations links key Mafia figures with the Government in Italy. How one of the most powerfu1 Mafia heads, under indictment for murder it this country, turned up as an aide to AMG, received letters of recommendation from United States Army officers, and at the same time conducted huge black-market operations in American supplies, is one of the monstrous disclosures, Why this same notorious criminal, following his arrest, was not returned to the U.S. until after the strange death of the key witness against him, is another part of the riddle that hints at the enormous secret strength of Mafia terrorism.
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