Marine Geology
Marine Geology. Preface: The geologists of the past have not always developed their science systematically. The geology of the seas has been especially neglected, but with good reason. Most geological subjects are readily accessible, or relatively so, as respects time and money. The examination of the sea floor, however, means expensive and lengthy cruises as well as intricate techniques of investigation. Only recently have an increas ing number of individual workers, oil companies, and oceanographical institutions embarked on a more intensive study of marine geology. This neglect still prevails in teaching in spite of the fact that most undergraduates will later spend a major portion of their time dealing with fossil marine sediments in one way or another. As long as marine geology remained undeveloped, this lack of emphasis could be fully justified. However, now that great advances in this subject have been made there would seem to be ample reason for giving more attention to the geological problems of the sea. To this end, three purposes have been in mind while this book was being written. The first was to introduce university students of ge ology to an important branch of their subject. The second, to pro vide a guide for geologists, oceanographers, and scientists in general who wish to explore the field of marine geology, and, finally, to aid the advance of research by summarizing achieved results and empha sizing the many problems still to be solved. It should be realized that this is not intended as a source book for data, but references, although not complete, will point the way to whatever detailed information the reader may require. Throughout, emphasis has been laid on problems in the hope of stimulating the students interest and his critical faculties. I am well aware, however, that this approach may have led me to make sweep ing statements and to emphasize some subjects beyond their general significance, while neglecting others. Some subjects, such as
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