This volume of Menagerie brings together, under one cover, twenty stories by or about people like us: Indonesian gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender persons. This is a book that should have come out (pun intended) a long time ago. Not only do the stories herein disprove the persistent but baseless myth that all forms of sexuality and sexual behavior that fall outside the norm of accepted heterosexual behavior (wherein the man is always on top and the woman always on the bottom) are not, somehow, Indonesian, they also show that the Indonesian archipelago is as multi-sexual as it is.ContributorsStories: Adri Basuki, Andrei Aksana, Anto Leo, Antok Serean, Bagus Utama, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Erik Siahaan, Erza Satyadharma, Herlinatiens, N. Wibowo, Nisrina Lubis, Ola Rusmini, Putri Kartini, Ratih Kumala, Santo, Satmoko Budi Santoso, Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Stefani Hid, Stefanny Irawan, and Ve Handojo.Cartoons: Uji Handoko and Decky LeosEssay and Poems: Gadis AriviaPhotographic Essay: Adi WahonoEditors: Erza Setyadharma and John H. McGlynnTranslators: David Reeve, Gai Littler, Harry Aveling, Jennifer Kesseler, John H. McGlynn, Justine Fitzgerald, Laura Noszlopy, Tim Behrend
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