In this book, you will discover how powerful habits are. You will learn how to change your habits and immediately change your life. You will also discover how important your habits are towards helping you build up your self-confidence and self-discipline. You will also learn how to program your subconscious mind for success and wealth. There is an important thing we can all notice when we look at billionaires and millionaires, they all always exhibit a character of high self-esteem, self-confidence and consistency. And pretty much, consistency comes from good long-term habitual control.Self-confidence and powerful habitual control is one of the key characteristics of very important people. Have you ever seen Bill Gates, Mark Cuban or any other multimillionaire giving a speech? They walk and talk with so much confidence and it feels as those they own the audience.I believe these traits are learnt and no one brought this knowledge directly from birth.So in this book, Ill walk you through some of the habits and habit changing powers of high performing people.Habits are powerful, they go a long way in helping you live the type of life you want. Have you ever asked yourself questions like, why am I acting this way? Why do I sound this way? Why do I behave this way? How do I fix everything thats wrong? The answer to these questions might be very simple, you just need to change your habit. Believe it or not, the things that you do with reflex go a long way to determine your type of character. For example, in considering a set of people for a job opportunity as an international spy for the CIA, who would you rather pick? Someone who talks a lot or someone who hardly says a word? Except you are overthinking things, the subject of discretion is what you need the most so its best to pick someone who doesnt talk much as an international spy. Why? Because you can assume that someone who doesnt say much would attract less attention and hence would make a good spy. Thats one
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