The intent of this book, is to show you how tolive a life, of victory over every obstacle, adversity andmental roadblocks to success, wellbeing and prosperity,by exploring the principles of renewing the mind,and how to use them. As well as, how to break unproductivehabits, through the process of Biblical Meditation.Mind Renewing, is not something that takesplace over night. It is a process that takes time, effort,perseverance and determination. The purpose for Biblicalmind renewal, is to cause ones thoughts, vernacularand behavior, to come into agreement with God’sWord. It means; to come to a place, wherein you beginto think as God thinks, see as God sees, and speak asGod speaks. Biblical mind renewal, is the process thathas to take place, in a believer’s life, in order to changeor renew, their way of thinking, from the way theythought, before he or she became a child of God.As you increase in the knowledge of God’sword, and spend time meditating on what you havelearned, you began the first phase of empoweringyourself, to live a victorious Christian life. You willalso come to a place of understanding, how to applythat knowledge to your life for positive results. It issaid, “knowledge is power.” But I say, “knowledge is potential power.”Because what we know, empowersus, only when we put to practice the information wehave ascertained. This is the only way we can accomplish,and enjoy, all that God has intended for us, individuallyand as a Body of believers.We, as Christians, according to Romans 12:2, shouldnot think or speak the same as the world system, whichis governed by Satan. Romans 12:2 says,“…be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformedby the renewing of your mind, that ye mayprove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfectwill of God.”In other words, God has a system as well, whichis in contrast to the world’s system. This is what Jesuswas
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