Wake up America, before it is too late! The mobocrats mean business. Study the mob, listen to their words and watch their ways and understand their demands to change and transform our Republic under God. Our Founders warned us that if we were to keep our Republic we would always have to remain diligent to the cause of freedom and vigilantly aware of those who would under the guise of freedom destroy life and liberty.America is under attack. Its institutions and values are under daily assault. But the principal culprits are not foreign terrorists. They are influential and powerful Americans secretly stirring up disunion and disloyalty in the shifting shadows of the Democratic Party.Read this book. Pray for our country. Teach your children the Biblical principles our founders believed and lived. And support the men and women who are willing to set everything else aside and speak up for the truth.Semper Fi to the Republic!DEMOCRACY WILL SOON DEGENERATE INTO AN ANARCHY... - PRESIDENT JOHN ADAMS WHEN THE CONSTITUTION WAS FRAMED, NO RESPECTABLE PERSON CALLED HIMSELF OR HERSELF A DEMOCRAT. - HISTORIAN CHARLES BEARD BETWEEN A BALANCED REPUBLIC AND A DEMOCRACY, THE DIFFERENCE IS LIKE THAT BETWEEN ORDER AND CHAOS. - CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN MARSHALL DR. JACOBS, THANK-YOU FOR YOUR GREAT WORK IN EDUCATION - WISCONSIN DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR JIM DOYLE DR. JACOBS EXPOSES THE LEFTS INTENT TO STRONG-ARM OUR REPUBLIC WITH MOB RULE... AND IN PARTICULAR, THE LEFTS AGGRESSIVE INDOCTRINATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE. MOBOCRACY IS A MUST READ ANALYSIS. - ETHAN HOLLENBERGER - CHAIRMAN OF THE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS AT MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY
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