Model for the Eradication of Terrorism
Ten years after September 11, 2001, a date that consecrates the day that the United States of America felt victim of the most vicious terrorist attack in its recent history; it becomes increasingly critical to spell out what terrorism is and what it is not. Indeed, in the aftermath of May 1, 2011, a historical date during which President Obama announced to the American people and to the rest of the world that, US special forces has killed Osama bin Laden, the mastermind and prime responsible for the barbaric attack of September 11; it becomes increasingly critical to clearly establish a distinction between what constitute terrorist activities as opposed to freedom fighter activities. The answer to this question will help the United States, Britain and allies to effectively and efficiently prosecute the war on terror worldwide and, in turn, make the earth, our global village, a better and safer place to live. From this perspective, this essay pursues four major objectives.
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