Modern Harmony In Its Theory And Practice
MODERN HARMONY- IN ITS THEORY AND PRACTICE by ARTHUR FOOTE. Originally published in 1905. PREFACE: THE title of this work indicates the aim of the authors. Not a few statements and rules have been current in text-books that., from the point, of view of composers and of the best teachers to-day, are unnecessary and sometimes even incorrect. When we find a rule constantly broken by one great composer after another, it is probable that the rule ought to be mod ified or given up, and not that the composers are wrong. It is the inten tion that statements and rules in this book shall be expressed with exact truth, and explained when real explanation is possible. It has also been remembered that better work is secured by directions as to what may be done, than by laying too much stress upon what is forbidden. About some matters there is a marked difference of opinion among theorists such things cannot be considered as settled for good and all, and no definite statement should be made excluding other well-grounded points of view, e. g. the chords of the llth and 13th. The chord of the 6th has been treated with more detail than usual, an attempt having been made to analyze and classify the features that make this chord so difficult for the student. While the old strict rules as to secondary 7ths are given fully, the modern theory and use of these chords have received just consideration. The chord of the 9th has been discussed as a largely independent chord it was also obvious that the growing feeling about chords of the llth and 13th ought to be recognized, although the opinion of the authors, as ex plained in the chapter on that subject, is that these latter can seldom be classified as independent chords. It is believed that the treatment of chromatic alterations in chords, and of the augmented 6th, 6-5 and 6-4-3 chords is in accordance with present thought, and that this is also the case as regards suspension. The chapter on the old modes is necessarily brief, but it is
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