Modern Mythology and Science
Modern physics has degenerated into mythology. Quantum mechanics (QM) is based on the assumption that elementary particles are truly fundamental. This assumption has been invalidated by numerous experiments. By interaction with other particles, quarks and other components of elementary particles are pulled apart or squeezed together. Due to such deformations, the complex structures called elementary particles accumulate internal energy, which is neglected in the entire Quantum Mechanics literature.Double slit experiments do not justify the abandonment of Classical Physics and the creation of Quantum Mechanics. The interference patterns, which supposedly demonstrate the unique nature of elementary particles, are faithfully reproduced with common objects.Correctly applied i.e., without neglecting internal energy, Classical Physics provides a deterministic and unitary description of virtually all quantum phenomena. Classical Physics also explains relativistic effects, i.e., mass increase, length contraction and time dilation without recourse to particular hypotheses like the existence of aether. The components of elementary particles are bound by cohesion forces propagating through quanta. The energy of quanta increases with particle velocity according to the Doppler Effect. As a result, the relativistic energy and mass of an elementary particle are proportional to the Lorentz factor. This mass increase causes length contraction and time dilation.
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