Monkeys Dont Wear Silver Suits
Two of Americas most highly-regarded independent journalists - Rob Dollar and Tim Ghianni, also known as The News Brothers - look into their crystal ball while exploring the legendary UFO case that helped shape the narrative for sightings of Little Green Men. It was a hot, clear summer night - Sunday, August 21, 1955 - when a flying saucer supposedly landed in Kelly, Kentucky, near a farmhouse occupied by eight adults and three children. A night of terror followed as the farm family battled what they described as little gremlin-like space creatures that floated and were immune to bullets. At the invasion scene, investigators found no evidence of a spaceship or a Close Encounter of the Third Kind - only a group of people who had been nearly frightened to death.In the more than half-century since the Kelly incident, no one has been able to prove, or disprove, the fantastic tale told by the occupants of the farmhouse.Something happened that night, but what? In the irony of ironies, the 62nd anniversary of the invasion of the little men falls on the same day as a rare total eclipse of the sun that will turn the daytime sky dark in Western Kentucky - including the Kelly community - for about 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The perfect timing of the two events cant be a coincidence. Are the little men coming back?
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