More Misused Words

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More Misused Words contains a lot of the same words that Misused Words I and II did, but so much more. In More Misused Words, we address even more redundancies, absolutes, capitals, eponyms, flat adverbs (everybody’s favorite), initialisms and acronyms, Latin abbreviations, mispronunciations, a couple of sticklers like lie/lay/laid/lain, and poisonous/venomous, plurals of compound words (is it mothers-in-law or mother-in-laws? Isn’t one sufficient?), time-consuming phrases, and punctuation. We’ll have fun tackling these words (they’re not that big), and we’ll address more than just words—we’ll hit on eponyms, odd punctuation, and even a few Latin expressions, such as e.g., ergo, etc., and i.e. (Did I just say ‘ergo’? If I do that again, smack me.) I know you think you are familiar with these, but despite their ubiquitousness (Smack me for that also.), there might be a few odd rules that pertain to using Latin expressions that you’re not familiar with. It’s worthwhile to learn them (especially if you intend to write).  
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