Consider this book a guide for growing your network marketing business. It is essentially a collection of many of the ideas, strategies, and tactics that I was taught by my mentors, as well as practical applications that I’ve discovered along my own path to success. Take from this book what works for you—and don’t stop there. This is one good source. Learn from other people, even from leaders in other industries, who share their experience and key learning principles. When it comes to moving up, your goal is to grow your business and to grow as a person, and there’s plenty of wisdom available to be found on bookshelves, in lecture halls, and even from your audio player while you’re driving your car.The truth is that by building your network marketing business, you are contributing to job creation. You are helping to educate the children of your distributors by giving them an opportunity to earn an income. You are contributing to society by paying taxes on your earnings to build better schools, roads, and infrastructure. Your direct-sales business is vital to the entire well-being of the planet by bringing life-changing products or services that offer people more value than anything else they could spend their hard-earned money on. Therefore I wrote this book—to share the wealth of what I’ve learned as I have made my journey to success in direct sales.Get ready to start moving up! 
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