Mr. Right Series Workbook
If you’ve read Julia’s story in the three Mr. Right Series novels, you have seen that love and dating can get a little complicated! In fact, there is much more to what happened to Julia than meets the eye.The Mr. Right Series Workbook takes you through the three novels, one by one, chapter by chapter, giving you another side to Julia’s story. You’ll see why Julia and her friends made the choices they did and how their decisions either led them into good situations or took them where they didn’t want to go. You’ll be able to read Bible verses regarding the different issues found in the books and see how they apply to today’s world. You’ll have a chance to think about how things are going in your own life right now, to journal to God about how you want your life to be both today and tomorrow.Many of Julia’s early heartaches came from not taking time to think through issues or evaluate her own heart. Going through this workbook will give you that opportunity. Get ready for a life-changing adventure!
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