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MUSEPAPER, VOLUME IPrize-Winning Poems, Stories, and Essays of 1,000 words or less.5 Prize-Winning Poems7 Prize-Winning Stories12 Prize-Winning Essays — This collection is brilliant, funny, and deep, each work a beautiful little masterpiece. — Laura Maynard ApplesJonathan Segol Taking Our TimeM.K. Sturdevant Ice LessonsMichele Flynn From the GardenLaura Rose Folie Á DeuxMolly Seale PerfectionAdrienne Garrison The One That Got AwayJude Brewer Jordan & KarynAnnie Dawid IcarusJoanna Koch President Marilyn Monroe Devours Her YoungBrian Feehan TreatsG.L. Connors The Wolf In MeKirk McDavitt TastesJeanne Wilkinson A Tale of Two ConcertsSally Lipton Derringer Whatever Gets You Through the NightCezanne Alexander Advent CalendarConstance Campana Little HouseSusan Maeder SALT: A HomecomingNatalie Mucker EnsoHana Rowan-Seddon ExpatKeith Mark Gaboury BeginningsTerri Trespicio The Cripple Makes a WishNina Gaby The Sum of its PartsKathryn Gahl FortyNOTES ON CONTRIBUTORSFOR WRITERS~ ~ ~ ~MUSEPAPER explores the possibilities of monthly writing practices, the gift of deadlines, and the novelty unleashed when we dare to write outside our comfort zones, push the envelope, and follow our Muse.  The secret behind watershed moments of creative genius is the exponential growth and discovery catalyzed by small, continuous improvement. The Japanese call it kaizen.Musepaper is kaizen writing: a small, monthly writing practice of 1,000 words or less, compelled by deadline, motivated with awards and publication, set in motion by ever-changing writing prompts, and inspired by one's Muse. Designed to support new, emerging, and established writers alike, who are ready to enrich their voice, refine their style, and follow their Muse (wherever it may go).There are many valuable tools for a
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