Mute Magazine - Vol 2 #9
Featuring; Falling for the Future - Iain Boal brings modernitys futuramas back down to earth. Citizens Banned? - Josephine Berry Slater and Anthony Iles review the AV media arts festival. Crisis in the Visual System - Paul Helliwell argues the art worlds favourite philosopher, Jacques Rancière, does have something to hide. Borders 2.0: Future, Tense - Bryan Finoki and Angela Mitropoulos present an incursion, in text and image, into the contemporary borderlands. Manufactured Scarcity - James Heartfield on Enrons pioneering of green capitalism through cutting production. Battle of All Mothers - Madame Tlank on welfare, surveillance and working class women. When Travesty Becomes Form - Alberto Duman contemplates the cyclical self-affirmation of the curator. Your Five a Day! - Quarterly, critical and cheap, Mute is a concrete jumble of all thats still grunting in the inter-finessing hyper-barrios of culture, politics, and technology 2.0.As capitalism yawns toward apocalypse we match it issue by issue with a sustained critique of everything existing from eco prole-bashing and shanty chic to academic aut-onanist marxistry.An average portion of Mute contains all the cultural vitamins essential to a healthy (contempt for the) economy.http://metamute.org
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