Whether young in your faith or a seasoned Christain, My Beloved will take you on a 55-day journey to the Heart of God. You will be encouraged to look at life through the lens of the Holy Spirit. Seek more intimacy with Jesus, your first love. Surrender to God's will and embrace the path to victorious living; there is no greater joy. Pam Bacani's practical life lessons woven together with spiritual insights give you a glimse of how to stay connected to Abba's Father's Heart. Prophetic encouragement will lift your soul, whatever your situation. Your deepest need for love and acceptance will be met in God's strong, yet gentle arms. And you will be challeneged to put into action the lessons you've learned. You are holy in His sight.You are an ambassador for Christ.You are His Beloved."Pam's honesty about being afraid to step out of her comfort zone allows the reader to be okay with their own insecurities. I felt as if God was personally speaking to me." Kim Chaffin, author of "Simply Blessed" "Pam brings a shepherd's heart to broken and hurting people with a passion to ee them fall in love with Jesus." Pastor Van Bradeen, Lead Pastor at Living Stone Church of Spokane     
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