Today a tsunami of totally erroneous information about Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians and secret societies cut & pastes its way on the Internet. Spread by people with as much knowledge of the subject, as of Chinese music, and ignorant even of the fact, the all seeing eye was never an Illuminati-symbol at all, as Hollywood wants us to think.Within this context, Mysteria is like an oasis in a desert. A must read for everyone who is curious about the facts behind the disinformation-hysteria, or who wants to explore the roots and history of still existing “secret” societies. This book was composed by a Swiss freemason - an insider - and historian in 1869, who was posthumously banned by the Nazis. Yet despite this time span, in our days, it is more nurturing for the critical reader than ever before. Otto Henne am Rhyn takes you on a journey, back to the Mystery cults of ancient Egypt, Babylon and Greece, passes the Essenes, Orphics, Templars, the secret medieval tribunals and stone masons. This is followed by the rise of Freemasonry, insight in masonic organizations, structures and lodges who imitate Freemasonry or invented glamorous but meaningless degrees. Mysteria, is also one of the very few publications, available in the English language, which offer reliable information about Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati and the “role” of Freemasons and Illuminati in the French Revolution. Read more about Otto Henne am Rhynn in the Post Scriptum of Mysteria. Preview on vamzzz.com.
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