Mysterious Entanglement
About The BookI believe that it is our destiny to wonder at and seek after the mystery that is our origin as humans and our place in the Universe. To explore this mystery the greatest minds of 40 millennia have created the most wondrous fabric of possibilities, with threads of imagination, change, color, denier, weave and substance. Sometimes we called this mystery Religion and sometimes we called it Science and for most our sentient existence we saw no conflict between the two. Both had dogma which from time to time was shown to be misdirected. Both had periods when they were in apparent conflict and periods when they were in complete harmony. Both Science and Religion evolved sometimes in spectaculars leaps of mind and faith. The strangest part of this evolution has been the discovery that at the deepest level of human cognition of Science or Religion, the quest has been and will be the same, namely, the search to understand The Creation we live in, The Creator and the Origin of Life. The strangest irony has been that there is always a considerable gap of uncertainty in both Science and Religion and the answer to Creation, The Creator and Life, no matter how far or fast we evolve. We are, never the less, always confused, by our knowledge, and with our prejudices and intolerance. Science is only an approximation to the physical nature around us. Religion is only an approximation to our spiritual nature within and around us. We often get both wrong from time to time and are compelled to change. We may find in time that Science and Religion are indeed two sides of the same coin
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