Network Your Business to Prosperity
Are you unhappy because you can't get new business leads or a find a new job? Is every day just another time to feel like a failure with the lack of progress and results? Well, I've been there, and I've mentored and coached hundred of fellow team members who had the exact same problem.Are you asking yourself if it's even possible for you to succeed in today's fast moving, highly technical world? Lift your head up and take a look around. There are many people who have succeeded. Tony Robbins and billionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett come to mind right away. How did these people do this? Was it just dumb luck or is there some secret? Would you be surprised to learn there is a secret to success? It's an overriding principle hidden deep underneath success. Even Donald Trump, famous actors and writers use this secret to get where they are today.You want to know the secret? Sure, I'll tell you - you have to engage in professional networking. And, just as important, you must do the networking correctly to succeed.Inside this book, you'll learn about business networking from real-world examples. When I first started as the Vice President of Consulting for a computer company, every day was a constant struggle to find customers. My stress went through the roof and my temper was short. I had to get the business flowing or we'd fail and it would be my fault. In desperation, I began to form a business network, reaching out to other professionals, talking to them and forming business relationships. My life started to change; everything got easier, and before long the projects were coming in seemingly on their own.Later, when I decided to find a new job, I reached out to the people in my network, and within days had dozens of interviews, and, in a few short weeks found myself working two high-paying jobs at the same time.You can use networking to prosper like you never have before.In this book, you’ll learn:T
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