Networking Karma
Are you Awkward? Uncertain? Even jittery at networking events?Author Gail Tolstoi Miller, an award-winning entrepreneur and successful CEO, feels your pain. In fact, she spent years experiencing the same emotions when networking. An avowed introvert, Gail discovered a powerful and universal law of connecting, she calls Networking Karma. And when she embraced it, Gail put those anxious, apprehensive interactions behind her to become a career coach and owner of a networking event planning company.Now, Tolstoi-Miller shares her secrets with you in her new book, Networking Karma.If you are trying desperately to get past the constant inadequacy you feel every time you try to attend a networking event, this book is for you!Networking Karma is a mindful approach to living that asks you to consider each chance meeting and budding relationship as an opportunity to inform, assist, advocate or connect others. “Embracing this spirit of selflessness,” Tolstoi-Miller says, “is the key to building a professional and personal fan base; one that will ultimately return your kindness in unknown and awesome ways. “Networking Karma proves that life is not “all about me.” In fact, Tolstoi-Miller reveals that the most successful networkers are on a constant mission of “giving.” Throughout this book, you will explore dozens of essential and specific Networking Karma to-do’s; powerful ideas you can implement immediately. Shared by some of today’s hottest thought leaders, speakers and business trailblazers, these proven tactics are absolutely essential to getting the edge you need to succeed in business and in life.Written in a fast-paced, no-holds barred style and steeped in real-world situations, Networking Karma reveals:The negative beliefs that hold you back from networking success, and the 6 empowering steps to overcome them.Why Speed Networking is more fun and effective than absolutely any trad
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