New History Of The 99th Indiana Infantry
Containing Official Reports, Anecdotes, Incidents, Biographies and Complete Rolls, B I7 CHAPLAIN D. R. LUCAS. COLONEL ALEXANDER FOWLER, In 18t13, at Age d 41. NOTHING BUT AN OLD SOLDIER. BY CHAFILAIN 11. K. LUCAS. ,cult In arlrl -..rlrr-i wtlt 1111lpln nlan I htref, P whn rhtrlwrt rling rnan aaid to r r.urllltsnl.,n whoaukrdrll sn.1 what he xar. ..Stthlta but an olal kcmldier hi IF the old WIIPP rqbly. .-Snthing hut an crld sollIier -hat I that Tht rrlrt a .iFln ahrlut me ko pat . l-t 11 I yuei. IILIP rifiht I am apttin ld I1t aftt.r a11 a fdhllt.r dmt likr Irein told rat hr . nathin rlw. ra it btu n a to lrlam lJ.r ltLin old, an brokrrl-drm n an lame It r nu ri ust httq, anal think a nlinutr. vou d Sqt wndr-r if I was a littlr rkewrd. n tlht r1kiltt.r an h.lrr stump c.raky wa3-r .Zl,lut In walklli.-thwt wac Lljrnr 11tht.r alas brn it a. tliffrtknt whrn 1 ctaod 11p traight, An salkcd a middlin fair an -trady yalt. .I-ni nart wrr rouny fc ller. if vtm-n a brrn Vtrr.rt. I hale hrrr an wen what I have wen,, If uu.I a 1rr.t.n with mr an felt tbt pain 0 narihin da arl night irl 4urh an,rain. If Falrlcl a follrrrrl rant an Shrtman to. It y-ar ait nllm rxviuli 11t rr traiht an true. .It v o l a laid all night on frlnty grounu. .Irl tarrlrrl autl an kriaprk an- forty rrrnnu. I 3 rnd a trr,d in lintb atl heard tkr zip 0 3Iinnic Imllep zirt. tlur dr R tip, If t r d b d listcnll to thr crrr.hin hhll I drln-t think nllw ybud fvel awful well. Jwt think cr rant an Shrrman an thv rrlrn. tVhu led uh in the days 1 llattlt. then .Ju.t think that all I thrnl are Ithad an gtnr. .U that m- earthly ract- ir tlt.arl ran, An r 11 not wnrirr if I m lame liint rnaugh and ru 11 hr .I juht thr amem. Nrrthin but an old hrddfer It nay be I In tor hen5tivt-. ar otherh rannot see The I I L a it ayywar, t r rurh a-, m, Thu tolluwed Jilly. Shvrman t41 thr ea. Ark trarn1t-d hr much in sm-arnph r f icr ,m c.ald Tbdt bunibn.. r rt4r in t. ha-. had a hmld. .Sothtn but a11 uld -tltlirr A Ilvg trnt Ain t
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