No More Nappies!
Going to the toilet seems simple right?Until you’re trying to toilet train a toddler that is!Written with wisdom and love by child psychologist and mum ofthree, Nicole Pierotti, this easy to read book is full of handy tipsand insight into toddler thinking and motivation.Filled with honest, realistic and positive advice, andsimplified science-stuff that even the most stressed-out parentcan understand.This clever manual covers all of your concerns and all theembarrassing bits you don’t want to ask other parents. Packedwith clever and inventive tips, checklists and charts, this guidehelps you face and conquer what would usually be a verydaunting task. "No More Nappies, answers all of the questions parents have when it comes to toilet training"  Dr Vana Sabesan - Paediatrician"An enjoyable and easy to read guide. Each section simplifiesthe toilet training process, allowing parents to approach thistask with minimal hassle. I would recommend this to all newparents about to embark on this important milestone withtheir toddler"  Dr Michelle Vollmerhause MBBS FRACGP - General Practitioner
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