No-Nonsense Algebra, Spanish Language Version
THIS IS THE UPDATED 2ND EDITION OF NO-NONSENSE ALGEBRA, NOW AVAILABLE IN A SPANISH LANGUAGE VERSION. THE TITLE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY RE-EDITIED AND NOW CONTAIN EXTRA CHAPTER QUIZZES TO MAXIMIZE LEARNING.THIS BOOK IS USED BY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS EACH YEAR.INCLUDES FREE ONLINE VIDEO TUTORIALS, TAUGHT BY THE AUTHOR. One for each lesson in the book. Lessons are presented in a format that everyone can easily understand.Includes a complete review of Pre Algebra.  Each Lesson flows smoothly and logically to the next Each lesson is short, concise, and to the point Lots of examples with step-by -step solutions Each lesson includes valuable Helpful Hints Review is built into each lesson. Students will retain what they have learned Each lesson includes Problem Solving. This ensures that students will learn to apply their knowledge to real-life-situations.Perfect for SAT/PSAT prep  
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