Of Guilt And Grace
We don’t like to talk about tragedy.It’s insensitive, dark, and gloomy. Especially in church. We would much rather talk about the stories that make our hearts happy and joyful. Yet, the reality is that when we don’t understand the dark depth of the human heart, we will never know the magnificent vistas of God’s salvation. Tragedy is an essential reality for understanding the space of the gospel story.Few tragedies fit this mold better than that of Achan in Joshua 7. Achan’s theft of sacred property and the resultant panic led Israel down a dark path. It was only with God’s revelation of his action that this scourge was made known. However, the most tragic part of Achan’s tale is that God’s grace was offered out to him and he did not take it.The darkness of Achan’s story heightens the glory of the gospel. The sin that Achan committed underscores the salvation that God offers. The cult he bore reveals the grace that is offered to us. Of Grace and Guilt is written to help us understand this reality. It is written to underscore the darkness of sin and therefore to examine the light of salvation. It is written for us to see the gracious hands of a loving God offered to us. The question before us is whether or not we will take what Achan could not."Matt's book, 'Of Guilt and Grace' is a masterpiece of understanding the impact of sin and its ongoing ramifications. The good news about sin is God's grace. Matt elegantly explains how God's grace is the antidote to our sin issue. 'Of Guilt and Grace' is well thought out and a must read for anyone desiring to understand the relationship between our sin and God's grace. I would highly recommend this book!" - Tyson Priest, D. Min, Pastor, the River, Lapel, In. & Motivational Speaker."Ten very helpful lessons on sin, a disturbing and polarizing subject that many ministers wish to elude for the sake of pastoral preservation
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