Ogden O. Henry Op. Ed.
<b>Light Verse with Attitude</b> <p>Ogden O. Henry Op. Ed. is a collection of clever, concise, poetic commentary on Donald Trump and other political and public figures, and reflections, by turns humorous and moving, on current social conditions and shared life experience. Included is an array of poetic forms that summons surprise, provokes laughter, and kindles insight, inspired by the ingenious humor, imaginative wordplay, and unexpected endings of legendary writers Ogden Nash and O. Henry.<p>Short verses, often with a final punch, are featured in this volume, and comments on politics and social justice are spliced with observations on the customary and familiar; neither category separated by chapter or section, as an acknowledgment that the influences in our lives are intrinsically interwoven. Beyond their wider purpose, the poems are serious and comical, succinct and captivating. Where representing an Op. Ed. point of view, they are progressive in tone and liberal in voice; offering ideas in sound-byte format and inviting participation in syncopated quick-steps, appealing in cadence, endearing in carriage.<p><b>Blink and the levity's gone viral.</b>
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