OLSAT Grade 3 (4th Grade Entry) Level D
This book contains one full-length OLSAT® Grade 3 Level D practice test (PRACTICE TEST ONE), which provides gifted and talented OLSAT test preparation.The OLSAT Level D practice test is for 3rd Grade students applying for entry into Gifted and Talented 4th Grade programs. <p></p> Using this practice test will help prepare your child prepare for the <b>Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT®)</b>, an exam used for admission to many schools, including the California GATE program, some Gifted and Talented NYC schools, and other coveted programs for the education of the gifted. <p></p> <b>What's Inside this OLSAT Grade 3 (Grade 4 Entry) practice workbook?</b><p></p><li>One full-length practice test. Each practice test contains 64 OLSAT® practice questions covering all question types to help your child improve the logical and visual reasoning skills required to excel on the OLSAT®. <p></p> Includes practice questions on:<li>Antonyms<li>Sentence Arrangement<li>Sentence Completion<li>Arithmetic Reasoning<li>Logical Selection<li>Verbal and Figural Analogies<li>Verbal and Figural Classifications<li>Verbal Analogies<li>Word/letter Matrices / Numeric Matrices / Pattern Matrices<li>Numeric and Figural Series</li><p></p> This gifted workbook also includes: <p></p> <li>Essential test prep strategies to help students avoid mistakes and achieve their best score.<li>Detailed descriptions of question types.<li>Detailed answer explanations and bubble sheets.  </li><p></p>  GATE book Grade 3 / NYC Gifted and Talented Grade 3 Programs<p></p>  Each practice test can be used for GATE examination test prep to help your student qualify for gifted programs in California. Our assessments can also be used to prepare for NYC gifted testing pro
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