On Silence
From the moment I wake up in the morning to the time I drift off to sleep at night, the voice I hear in my head is uniquely mine. It never stops talking. It never stops telling me who I am. This voice arises out of the depths of a personal silence that encompasses all of us. When I take the time to listen and to quiet that voice, I can hear the greater voice of the universe speaking to me through everything that exists. This is the voice found in nature, music, poetry, philosophy, and religion. What began as a treatise on silence became a lifelong journey. Living with monks, the death of my mother, and the birth of my daughter compelled me to rebalance my relationship with the silent universe. We do not need special classes, a guru or yogi, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness workshops to accomplish this. We already have the power within us. All we need to do is take the time to be with ourselves and listen in silence.
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