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Are you too hard on yourself? Are you prone to beating yourself up for perceived mistakes or shortcomings? Do you view yourself negatively?If so, youre hurting yourself unnecessarily.Good thing this One And Only book is here to help you learn about genuine self-love, grow your self-confidence, self-awareness, self-discipline, and achieve emotional balance.The first step towards interrupting unhealthy and unreasonable patterns is to know and understand self-acceptance. To the length, you can learn to accept yourself exactly as you are - perfectionism and all -- the happier and healthier youll be.Learning self-acceptance will enable you to change the lens you use to view life. You will learn how childhood experiences shape your immature inner dialogue. You will understand how to heal your inner dialogue with self-compassion and by reframing thoughts. Now, the true test is challenging yourself to confront your self-limiting beliefs and thoughts without judgment and practice the skills included in this book.To put it simply, here are the following topics that will surely benefit the inner you:·     What is Self-Acceptance?·     Everything Starts with Self-Acceptance·     Notions of Genuine Self-Love·     Achieve Emotional Balance·     How to Unleash the Willpower in YouAnd many more self-learning topics for you.Motivate yourself and affirm that you can do this. Read this guide when you get stuck. Find a relative or a friend to share the book with, and grow together. There are various ways to use the materials in this book, so start anywhere you like. There is no right or either wrong way to do this. If you find yourself getting stuck in painful memory of the past, set a timer for 5 minutes. When the timer buzzes to alert you that your time is up, find the list of values in this guide. Pick one value from the list and focus on it to h
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