Opening a Restaurant
This easy-to-read volume includes everything you need to open and run a successful restaurant: Checklists to help you through every step of the project and keep you on trackSample manuals, business plans, contracts, and moreTips on defining your public and designing your spaceShopping listsJob descriptions and hiring recommendationsAdvice from the industry's top expertsInput from chefs and restaurant owners around the world...and much, much moreMake your restaurant dream a reality with this foolproof guide. "The variables of the restaurant business are never ending and every opening presents new challenges.    Take a moment and hedge your bet.  Geordy's experience and expertise will help pave the path to a profitable long term operation.  This is a must read for all restaurateurs."       Chef Bradley Ogden "A wonderful book and I wish I had it available years ago.  Would have saved a lot of sweat and money! From dream to reality is often a perilous journey, and opening a restaurant one of the most.  But this guidebook, OPENING A RESTAURANT, has got it covered. Reading it you can get it right and enjoy the ride without ever losing heart.  If you start to, read the book again." Chef Jeremiah Tower "Despite the fact that almost everyone knows the road to restaurants as a successful business is literally choking with failures ... so few people heed the mortality rates and do something to avoid becoming yet another victim our profession's admittedly alluring ‘siren call’. If you want to create very much better odds for yourself than others… get this book by Geordy Murphy. He is a proven performer, operator, coach and Jedi master in a very volatile world! You will even enjoy the ride I bet.” Chef Norman Van Aken&nb
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