Operation Olive Branch
Over the last 20 years, Hannah May says she has been slowly coming into an understanding of her lifes purpose. Beginning with some in-depth Bible Studies about Gods covenants and His faithfulness to those covenants, she could see that He was not finished with Israel.She began to have a growing interest in all things Jewish and Israel-related. She studied the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, and how Jesus the Messiah is vividly portrayed in the Old Testament models, which were types and shadows of the reality of who He is, seen in every element of the Tabernacle, as well as all the Feasts of Israel in Leviticus 23. Jesus, the perfect fulfillment of the Jewish laws, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Hannahs understanding of His grace, love and mercy in His substitutionary atonement is the foundation and bedrock of her Christian faith.These are a collection of her stories. She calls them mysteries because they truly are mysterious. God is mysterious and when we are walking with Him, it is an adventure. Hannah is not trying to argue theology with people who disagree with her viewpoints. She is sharing her stories and hopes they will create an overall bigger picture of her theology, leaving the reader to take nuggets from them and draw their own conclusions. Hannah says, It is a progressive revelation with me, as with all of us.
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