Our Curious World of Mirror Images
From ancient philosophy to the big bang, quantum physics, and cosmology, Titus Joseph takes us on a mind-stretching journey through time and space to unveil a new law, positional symmetry (requisite mirror image), that explains how all things come into existence through the curious symmetries found everywhere in nature. This exciting new model of the universe draws on concepts from ancient philosophy and weaves together quantum mechanics with relativity, through the observable symmetries found in nature. Our Curious World of Mirror Images sheds new light on what it means to be human in a world in which all things are interrelated. • Introducing a whole new way of looking at our world • A universal theory combining profound scientific facts seamlessly with philosophy • Written in an easy to read format with many illustrations so that anyone may understand • Reconciles the intractable problem of duality • Marries quantum theory with relativity in a relationship that works to explain reality • Provides a compelling account of spacetime that makes sense of the arrow of time • Demonstrates how all things come into being • Provides a broad overview of the cosmos as a whole entity • An eye-opener to the meaning of God • Reconciles eastern paradigms with western views • This book could change the way you see the world
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