Out of the Fog
Do you want to get out of an emotionally difficult situation?Do you want to learn how to create positive new relationships so you can build a better life?This book will help you to get out of the fog of confusion and into the clarity that you are looking for.FOG is an acronym that stands for Fear, Obligation, and GuiltThese three emotions are often at the core of manipulation, and are often how narcissists,sociopaths, and other types of emotional manipulators go about controlling their targets.The Book is a great resource to learn more about a narcissistic person and how he canaffect the lives of people surrounding him. Narcissism is an age-old condition, where the sufferer is in constant need of admiration. He wantshimself to be recognized superior even if he has done nothing worthwhile.The Book is also a great guide for us to know about the process of narcissistic abuse andthe steps to heal from it.You will learn:• Symptoms of Narcissistic abuse • How to heal from the abuse of a narcissist• Healing after emotional / psychological abuse • Disarming the narcissist• Dealing with Anger • Healing using Acceptance • Building Self Esteem• Common techniques to recovering yourself • Common TIPS and TacticsDo you think your parent might be toxic?Do you feel like you are living with the consequences of bad parenting?Does your parent still treat you badly even though you are an adult?In this breakthrough book, clinical psychologist Karen Hart exposes the destructive nature ofparents who are emotionally immature or unavailable.You will see how these parents create a sense of neglect, and discover ways to heal from the painand confusion caused by your childhood.By freeing yourself from your parents emotional immaturity, you can recover your true nature,control how you react to them, and avoid disappointment.Finally, youll learn how to create positive, new relationships so you can build a better life.•&nbs
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