Outside Looking In
Each familys journey with autism is as unique as a fingerprint.Think about autism differently.Thats what Vivian M. Lumbard does. Shes a mom to teenage twins with high-functioning autism challenges. As a retired air traffic controller, she is familiar with long-term and short-term goals, changing plans on a moments notice, as well as being able to laugh when stressed. All of which comes in handy when raising a child with autism.Autism awareness is on the rise. But what about autism understanding? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) manifests differently for each individual. Yet stereotypes hinder understanding and impact our choices as parents and educators. Using examples from her familys life, she reframes common ASD stereotypes and competencies to highlight commonalities with the neurotypical world.Vivian advocates an approach of loving, parenting and supporting the whole, unique child and offers a chapter of helpful tips based on her experiences. See how she applies those tips while staying at home during COVID-19.Frank. Compassionate. Intimate. Sometimes humorous. Join her as she shares her familys journey.
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