OYSTEROpen Your Soul To Experience RealityLife passes before most of us realise that thewholesome reality about who we are essentially restsbeyond our having to struggle to prove ourselves.There is no specific step or action that can lead us tothis awakening which happens to be our ultimateentitlement. Like flowering this realisation is not anact but a process which unfolds slowly, naturally,effortlessly ...Ironically, all our efforts to restore our so calledidentities on this earth are tantamount to unwittinglyclosing the doors of our own souls. How we knew,there is hardly any need to restlessly searchourselves out there but rather silently feel the everexistent calling of our consciousness. Not in noise butin poise lies the key to our real freedom!Life in the eyes of an explorer of truth is not apackage of problems. OYSTER, therefore is far froma book of solutions for those who are caught up inthe riddles of life. It is like the work of a gardenerwho trusts in the ways of nature and thus plays hispart in arranging her bountiful blossoms in gratefuljoy.Hopefully, the words and paragraphs ofthis book would serve to beckon its readers to fathomthe joy of divinity incessantly oozing out from theirinner self the way the beauty and fragrance of theflowers of a wonderful garden spontaneously enchanttheir visitors.
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